TBS Unify PRO32 Nano VTX : Crossfire SmartAudio
Size doesn’t matter anymore. In my opinion the TBS Unify series of are the best VTX available…and the TBS Unify PRO32 Nano could be the best of them all. Look at this thing, it’s freaking tiny! But what’s most important is that it outputs super clean video.
If you want to see the full build of this quad, check out the Talon F7 post.
- 4.5 – 5.5v Input
- u.FL antenna connection
- 25mw, 100mw, 400mw output
- SmartAudio 2.1
- Ultra-clean transmission up to 16 pilots at once
- 13.5 x 15.5 x 3mm
- 1g
The good thing about the PRO32 Nano is that it has a physical button. Not like the original Nano where you had to freaking lick your finger or ghetto rig a little piece of wire just to change channels. Forget about trying to solder on that SMD button that it came with. Without a button it made the Nano hard to setup because it was a pain in the ass to try to unlock the VTX.
There are three ways to change the channel/band/power on the Unify PRO32 Nano.
- Physical button
- SmartAudio via BetaFlightOSD
- SmartAudio via Crossfire
In a pinch, you can change channels with the button on the PRO32 Nano.
The Unify PRO32 Nano uses SmartAudio 2.1. As of this post, BetaFlight 3.5.5 doesn’t support 2.1 yet so you can’t connect it the normal way (SmartAudio wire to a free UART) to access your VTX settings in the BetaFlightOSD.
The third way is to use the Crossfire LUA script to access your VTX settings. I’m liking this method more and more. The biggest advantage to using this method is that once you are in the settings, you know exactly what channel you are on.
The biggest drawback to using BetaFlightOSD is that if you don’t know what channel your VTX is outputting, you’ll have to scan your receiver to get an image before you can get into the VTX settings. This is a huge pain in the butt if you are trying to change channels in between heats with 7 other VTX powered up.
SmartAudio Via Crossfire
Note, for this setup to work, both the Crossfire TX and the RX needs to be on at least 2.88 firmware.
To use Crossfire to change the VTX channels, connect the SmartAudio wire to CH4 on the Crossfire Nano RX.
In the Crossfire LUA script in the Nano RX setting, change CH4 to SmartAudio
Now when you go in the Nano RX, the VTX settings will show up.
Before you can access certain channels and power settings, the VTX needs to be in the unlocked state. A locked VTX will show a solid blue light. When the VTX is unlocked the blue and orange light will be solid.
To unlock the a Unify VTX from solid blue to solid blue/orange:
- Press and hold the button for 3 seconds. This will get you into the channel selector state. The orange light will flash once followed by the number of blue flashes for the channel.
- Press and hold the button for 3 seconds. This will get you into the band selector state. Press and hold the button. After about 5 seconds the blue light will go solid, then 5 more seconds the blue light will start flashing, 10 seconds later the blue light will go solid. Let go of the button when it goes solid.
- Press and hold for 3 seconds to get into the power settings.
- Press and hold for 3 seconds to save the settings.
- Now you should have a solid blue/orange LED indicating the VTX is unlocked.
Super Clean Video
The PRO32 Nano is suppose to be so clean that you can fly up to 16 pilots at once. I haven’t tried 16 I can say the video feed is super clean with 6 quads in the air. At least weekend’s race, I hardly noticed any glitches, just a nice clean signal all day.
If you’re in the market for a small, light, race video transmitter with a super clean video signal, i highly recommend you checking out the TBS Unify PRO32 Nano.
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