FatShark Power Switch : On/Off Switch for your Fatsharks
FatShark Dominator Power Switch Mod
I love my FatShark Dominator V3. One thing I don’t like about them is fumbling around to plug in the power cable. I’ve always wanted to add a Fatshark power switch but never got around to doing it until now. Adding a power switch makes them so much more enjoyable to use.
Parts used in this build
- Push Button Switch – This is the fatshark power switch needed for this mod. There are other types of switches but the connection points are not the same as outlined in the post.
- FatShark Dominator V3
- FuriousFPV True-D v3 Diversity Receiver Module
- TBS Triumph LHCP antenna – 90% of people use RHCP so using LHCP will probably give you better a picture.
- ImmersionRC LHCP Patch antenna
- Tattu 2s 2500mAh goggle battery – I love these batteries. They have enough power to easily last through a regular day of flying ( around 20 packs) even with the diversity module.
- Weller Digital Soldering iron
- 5/8″ drill bit
*Disclaimer: Do this mod at your own risk. We are not responsible for any damage done to your equipment.
FatShark Power Switch Modification
Open the cover. Remove the two screws and loosen the center screw. Remove the power board module and unplug the wire harness.
Use a 5/8″ drill bit to drill a hole in the cover. On the inside of the cover there is a circle injection mark. Use that circle to mark where to drill. If you put it dead center, the switch will line up perfectly inside the goggles.
Cut the tab on the back of the plug.
Cut three wire lengths
- Red – 40mm
- Black – 57mm
- Green – 58mm
Trim the tabs on the back of the button so it will fit inside the goggles. Put the switch through the hole of the cover.
Solder up the wires like this. This wiring diagram is setup to have the LED on the power switch to turn on only when the power is on. This schematic is for this power button.
Note the green wire is soldered to the center tab and the bottom tab.
Put everything back in the goggles in reverse order and you’re done. Now you can leave your goggle battery plugged in and it will only turn on when you hit the Fatshark power switch. The LED will be lit when the power is on. Go fly!
If you found this post helpful, it would be super cool if you purchased the components from my store or purchase items from my Amazon links. These posts are expensive and take a loooong time to make so the purchases make it possible for me to keep making them. Thanks in advance, I greatly appreciate it 🙂