FPV Questions and Answers with EnvyAstro and SedHendo #1
FPV Questions and Answers with EnvyAstro and SedHendo
What’s up everyone, hope you guys have been ripping it up with the Tokio frames! That being said I’ve noticed that many people have questions that they want answered. That is why I am excited to announce that I will now be having a Q&A series! (Name of the series yet to be determined)
I’d like to introduce a way that will help us interact and answer a lot of questions that you may have. We will be doing this by making what we’d like to call “Q&A” video series. That will allow us to help with any type of questions a lot of you may have whether it’s a racing, tuning, PID, products, etc. Feel free to ask any questions and we will do our best to answer them in the video.
I will have one of my good friends that is very knowledgeable in the hobby, known as “SedHendo” helping me out with the videos. He will also be helping me out answer many of your questions.
Where do I Submit my questions?
We would like for everyone to submit their questions in the comments below on blog post corresponding to the upcoming Q&A video. This will make it both easier and allow it to be organized for us.We will only be answering questions asked on the blog so keep that in mind. We will try our best to answer all of the questions so bare with us if we do not get to your questions on that video, we will just answer them on the next.
When will the blog be ready to ask questions?
A new blog post for each video will be up the following Thursday before the video that way there is enough time for you guys to submit questions. In other words blogs for the corresponding video will be posted on the Thursdays that there isn’t any Q&A videos being posted.
When will videos be posted?
Our goal is to keep you updated, therefore we would like to release a Q&A video every other Thursday and on the days that blogs aren’t going up, which means at least twice a month. This will allow enough time in between for people to gather up any questions that they may have concerning anything FPV related.
The questions can be anything such as problems you are having, part suggestions, build suggestions, reviews or anything FPV related. So let the questions fly in the comments below.